1. How to order at DissertationsWritings.com?

If you finally make up your mind to place your order, you need to visit the order page. After that, you need to find an order form which consists of a few fields and complete it. You need to indicate what particular task you need, the number of pages and specific requirements if any. Keep in mind that the quality of your order is contingent on you too. Please, be attentive while completing the order form and provide our writers with the detailed information about your order.


  1. Is it possible to pay after I look through my order?

No, because our writers will start learning the details of your order only after you pay for it. Nevertheless, you’ll get your money back if you aren’t satisfied with the paper. Besides, if you don’t like some sections, we can make 3 free revisions for you.


  1. Can I order other academic assignments (except for dissertations)?

Our writers are professionals in the area of dissertation writing but they can write absolutely any other task as well. Even if you need a simple college essay or a book review, we are always here to assist you. We highly encourage you to get in contact with our support desk to clarify the details before you place your order.


  1. How do you deliver ready papers?

We create a personal account for you. You’ll get it after you make a payment. If there are any questions seeking clarification, you can pose them to the representative of our support desk. After you make a payment, we assign a writer who will be responsible for your task. When the task is ready, you’ll get a notification. Now you need to preview it and if you consider that a revision is necessary, you need to send it back. After you preview a paper and you like the result, you need to approve it and we’ll deliver an MS Word version on your email.


  1. Can I be sure that my personal information is in safety?

Yes, we guarantee that the personal information about our clients will never be passed to third parties. Besides, we wish to assure you that our system is protected from any kind of unauthorized access. Confidentiality is guaranteed!


  1. What about the pricing policy?

We are proud of our team of writers. We hope you understand that certified and skilled professionals will never be working for pennies. If your primary aim is to get a dissertation of high-quality, you realize that this service won’t be too cheap.

We try to establish an affordable pricing policy. We try to create a perfect balance between high-quality and affordable prices and it seems we managed to achieve this goal.


  1. What about special offers for new or standing customers?

We have a pleasant bonus system which can gladden our clients and help them save cash! If the sum of your order exceeds $500, you’ll get a 5% discount. If the sum of your order is more than $1000, you’ll get a 10% discount.

Besides, you don’t pay for the title page and the list of references. Our writer will complete them for free.


  1. I don’t like the paper quality, what will you do?

Thanks to our money back guarantee program, we guarantee that you will either be completely satisfied with the level of services or you’ll get your money back.


  1. Who will be responsible for the quality of my dissertation? Can I trust you?

We have a strong team of professional and certified English speaking writers. All of them are excellent specialists in this or that field. They can easily tackle absolutely any academic challenge and can help you immediately come up with the best solution. All of them are Ph. Degree holders who can cover absolutely any subject area.


  1. When will the writer start writing my paper?

In very deed, we try to find a writer, specializing in your subject area as soon as possible. Nevertheless, they will start working only after we receive a payment from you.


  1. Can I get in contact with a writer?

Yes, we allow our customers to contact their writers. You can do that through the use of a special messaging system. If there are any questions seeking clarification, or you wish to specify the details of your order, you can discuss all the matters online.


  1. Can I be sure that my dissertation or paper is free from plagiarism?

We understand that in current times, plagiarism is a very serious crime and students can even be dismissed from their higher educational establishments because of plagiarized papers. We guarantee that all essays or papers written by our specialists are free from plagiarism. We don’t sell pre-written papers or dissertations! All the tasks are written from scratch!


  1. What about the formatting?

When you look through a ready paper and approve it, we’ll send it in a word document. A ready paper or essay will be formatted in accordance with your requirements (APA, MLA, Harvard or Chicago).


  1. Do you meet deadlines?

That is the question of major concern for us! We deliver our papers on time (even when you need an urgent paper). In some instances, we receive orders with dangerously close deadlines. Our overriding purpose is to meet your demands and we always try to do this!


  1. What if I don’t like the quality of a ready paper?

We make 3 free revisions trying to meet your demands. Even if you consider that this or that sections need to be changed, our writer will polish a paper to perfection.


  1. What if I have specific requirements for my paper?

If your assignment should be based on specific materials or you need to comply with the demands of your teacher, you just need to warn our writers about them.


  1. What to do if my paper is not delivered on time?

We always try to meet even the tightest deadlines and guarantee that you’ll get your dissertation on time. Nevertheless, accidents may happen because of different reasons. Whatever the reason may be, we always try to find a solution!


  1. Do you have an editor?

Yes, we have a team of skilled and professional editors whose goal is to eliminate all kinds of punctuation, grammar, and spelling mistakes. You see that before you get your paper, it should undergo a few checking stages. Our first and foremost objective is to provide high-quality services. To achieve this goal we are ready to take any measures.